Thursday, February 25, 2010

ucapan selamat tinggal daripada seorg insan

semalam ak da hantar semua buku2 text n ambil sijil berhenti but ade masalh dekat sijil berhenti tu sbb nk kene tandatangan drpd pengetua( hj mohammad) sakit , n penolong kanan( saliha) xdtg pulak. so, sijil berhenti tu kene amik hari isnin depan.

n balik tu pg mkn2 dgn kawan2, then ade pulak sorg kwn ni(hakim) nk lawan bowling, kerek gle, siap ckp dia da bau kemenangan lg tu.last2 die kalah,hahahaha n isnin ni nk repeat tp lg ramai yg main. on the way nk men bowling terjumpe plak bestie, ajak la die lepak sekali.lepas tu photoshot.

fahmi,ak,shukri, aliff,man,hakim

shukri n aliff

weh fahmi,tahu la bru lepas bisnes pun to xyh la tutp sekarang.haha

masuk kelas tusyen lewat 10 minit, 10 minit je tp bile masuk da blurr habis naseb baik dpt kejar balik. ade janji dgn amera nk tego n ckp dgn die sbb sblm ni die ckp kat fb ak xpernah ckp pn dgn die.mse nk habis add maths bru tego n ckp2 kat die.sedih do.:)

lepas tu amik sekeping gambar dgn fazira.

n lepas tu pg amik gambar dgn budak tusyen fariz,joshua,given,prasanth n the gang.

prasanth,joshua,given,aku. fariz yg atas tu.

baru la mafia 36,haha

then, cepat2 masuk kelas chemistry.
ble time balek jumpe shafa, die bg kad
perpisahan thanks a lot sbb sudi sudi btkn kad tu untuk aku.:) really appreciate it.

Hari anugerah Pusat Tusyen Mewah(PTM).
kene pakai kemeja plak.haihh.
masa pendaftaran tu ade masalh sikit. bengang jugak la. tp hadapi dengan senyuman.
overall event td mmg best sbb dpt jumpe kawan.
shafiq,nafiz,hafiz,amir,rauf, shazwan,aliya,miza,lee ann,alex n byk lg, klu tulis kat sini smpi esk pn x habis:)
najwa and beberapa org lg kwn x dpt dtg.:(

thanks to intan, nazira n fazira sbb bt ucapan dekat blog really appreciate korg.
keep in touch n thanks fr everything.

janji nk letak gmba ko dekat blog;)

sepertimana yg diketahui, ak akn pergi petang selasa or pg rabu.
sbelum aku pergi ak nk ucapkan jutaan terima kasih dekat kwn2 yg mengenali diri ini.
minta maaf if ak ade buat salah dekat korg. to lee ann n mina: jgn sedih2.nnti ak cuti ak balik la,jgn risau.

to all my besties.i'll never ever forget u, n u are always in my mind.
my 4 setia's friends, danial,rosyidah,amalina roslan,zharfan, yusra, khairul,diya ,nafiz, hafiz,celine, mina zaini,najwa ,fazira,fatinie, shafiq, zera, intan,shafa,bud,fahmi, kong lee ann,celestine,natasha ali,natasha najihah,hakim,hasbi, man,syukri,aliff ,shafiq ,amal, shazzwan,amera azmi, nazira ,insyirah ooi, faeza, amir rafi, fariz n byk lg.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i'm leaving...

smlm ak dpt surat tawaran ke sbpi Gopeng, Perak.
perasaan aku bercampur baur. gembira sbb dpt tawaran sbp. sedih sbb dpt sekolah yg agak jauh pulak, around 2 hours journey.
i'll register to that school at 3rd of march this Wednesday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

sekadar coretan pemuda

i've read an article about valentine's day.
it is mentioned that we should not celebrate the day because actually the day is for celebrating the falling of ISLAM.
so, i do not celebrate it.

now, i find that the weather is freaking hot.
if this happens continuously, i think my body will be like a BBQ.
but panas kat dunia ni bru sikit je kn blom lg kat pdg mahsyar nnti.:)

happy chinese new year to all my chinese friends.
hope u'll have the best chinese new year ever.

a tons of hw need to be finished.
i need to learn how to manage my time properly during holidays because me a suck person.
exam will be at march, effort n study are required to obtain success.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

reh ot detacided

Take a breath
I pull myself together
Just another step till I reach the door
You’ll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
I wish that I could tell you something
To take it all away

Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there’re so many things that I want you to know
I won’t give up till it’s over
If it takes you forever I want you to know

When I hear your voice
Its drowning in a whisper
It’s Just skins and bones
There’s nothing left to take
No matter what I do I can’t make you feel better
If only I could find the answer
To help me understand

Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there’re so many things that I want you to know
I wont give up till it’s over
If it takes you forever I want you to know

That if you fall, stumble down
I’ll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you
I’ll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up cause I’ll be waiting if you fall
Oh you know I’ll be there for you

If only I could find the answer
To take it all away

Sometimes i wish i could save you
And there’re so many things that I want you to know
I wont give up till it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
I wish I could save you
I want you to know
I wish I could save you

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

just nice

ak nmpak mcm nerd je ble join dorg,ssh nk percaya?haha

xde kwn melayu sbb kwn melayu yg sorg tu x dtg pulak, kesian ko sobri,haha

i went to an anti dengue campaign at SMK Presint 16 (1).
23 chosen schools from Selangor and W.Persekutuan involved.
i was impressive by the size and the infrastructure of the school, it is enormously huge n great.
i've found that my school's size is just a quarter of that school's size.
i was greeting by the students from that school n i was seeking for a place to sit when came in to the hall.
there were 3 VIPs involved at this event n one by one of them was giving a speech.
after that, i felt damn bored n sleepy when the speaker was briefing us about the dengue stuff.
n there were many camera mans and reporters from the television station.For instance, TV3.
when the briefing finished, i've got food and drink which were provided by the school n the organizer before we left.
Then, my friends influenced the teacher to go Alamanda n we were having our lunch there.
finally, we reached school at 1 o'clock.

Monday, February 8, 2010

kehidupan sebagai pengawas

title yg x boleh bla lg.:D
sepertimana yg diketahui oleh kalian yg ta tahu ape yg sy nk smpaikn ni bahawa hari ini merupakan hari pelantikan pengawas di SMKJB.
ade pembaharuan drpd tahun2 sblm ni.

0,0-ak dpt name tag secara percuma tanpa membuat pembayaran* da percuma nk bayar ape lg-.-
0,0- thn ni ajk pengawas pakai kot utk ke pentas menerima sijil dan name tag. nseb bek kot yg aku pakai tu x besar kedabak mcm kong dpt. fuhh!

bende yg belaku setiap kali pelantikan pengawas ialah pengawas kene tepok tangan utk diri sendiri sebab pelajar2 x tepuk tangan sbb dorg berapi je klu tgk pengawas, asyik2 nk cari psl tp naseb baek la ak ni pengawas yg baik dan bertimbang rasa.*kening2

bende yg ak rase kelakar ialah ketika mase cikgu mumtaz(cikgu pengawas bt speech
die ckp"tugas pengawas ini amatlah berat pengawas terpaksa mengorbankan mase mkn mereka ketika rehat bg memastikan disiplin pelajar2 terkawal lalu mereka terpaksa masuk lewat 10 minit ke kelas sementara pelajar lain telah pun memulakan pelajaran mereka".

pendapat aku: cikgu sebenarnye kitorg mmg suke masuk lambat2 ke kelas ni:D

Sunday, February 7, 2010

male's voice or female's voice?

i've found one damn freaking funny video.
i was laughing alone when i watched this video.
i wonder,how this dude makes his voice sounds like a woman's voice?
bengong punye olang!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

kehidupan sebagai pelari

ak tahu title ni tak boleh bla.;D
hari ni ak tak lari utk cross country.
malas and xde semangat nk lari.
sorry cikgu2 rumah hijau sbb mengharap ak dpt no td.
tp kire okay la sbb rumah hijau dpt no3 thn ni.
next year insyaallah lari and dapatkan pingat sbb last year of school.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

cross country

cross country will be at this Saturday.
i never practice n prepare for this competition.
i hate to run for a long distance because my stamina sucks.
i love short distance one like 100m and 200m.
because it is still relevant for me to win.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

why we should make friend if we know that the friend will leave us?

this date was an unforgettable day for me.

because my besties, Yusra and Khairul will change to boarding school.
so, we did a farewell party at mcd after school.
lots of people came to this gathering.
after eat, we had opportunity to give a speech for the last moment.
when it came to my turn, everybody was laughing and enjoyed because my speech was quite funny.
i was on propose to talk funny because i don't want this gathering became sad and tearful.
but my friend said that she noticed that yusra and khairul still looked sad and compassionate because of my speech.
we took some pictures and went for karaoke.
after finished karaoke, i went back home.

Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.