esterday, i went to some open houses of my friends.
before that, khairul and me were accompanying Yusra to buy futsal shoe at Adidas store at Kajang.
at first only Yusra wanted to buy shoe and i was not interested to buy futsal shoe but later our faith had been tested by the various adidas futsal shoes. the designs of the shoes were really cool and its performance were really superb i guess. it was really really like begging me and khairul to buy one. after i have made comparison and tested a dozen of shoes i declared that the X-predito-X was going to be mine. i've spent RM170 for my lovely futsal shoe and the latest adidas futsal was released on the early of this month in Malaysia:D elok2 wallet aku dgn khairul tebal skrg dah npis balik.kau punya pasal la ni yusra.haha
after three of us bought shoes. then we headed to khalilah's house and then ain's house. i've met many of my previous school friends. it was okay la. but masa open house tu ada kawan aku yang mcm buat tak tahu je dgn aku since ak masuk asrama ni. i really have no idea why she became like that? sblm ni we were best takpela nk buat mcm mana. i know time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations of people.
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