Friday, September 17, 2010


yesterday, hakim, hasbi, zul, lokman, zharfan, syukry  went raya-ing.
i was really determined not to do a ton of homeworks which i haven't finish yet.
but  i'll boost up and double my efforts to finish them by today.
our first destination was Zharfan's house.
we gathered at his house at 6 30 p.m. it was fun and exciting.
 we were eating, non-stop laughing and talking each other until i feel like my tummy was going to burst due to laugh all the time.
after that, we went to the next house which was hasbi's house.
we performed maghrib prayer at hasbi's house. After that,
i was playing some songs with hasbi's guitar to make the environment more happening.haha
after that, we went to the last house which was man's house.
we ate mee soup at his house. 
Dsc01787but hakim suddenly was screaming for drink like hysteria. it was because Hasbi was challenging him to eat and finish the mee soup with 10 spoons of sambal cili into his bowl. can u imagine it how was hakim reaction at that time? really funny. muka hakim pun boleh jd merah.haha

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