aku paling tengah sedang semangat |
anak2 kambing baru lepas kandang |
reti baca kan? baca la sendiri. |
rumah nilam rumahku terindah |
the cross country of SBPI Gopeng was held on 14 january. it was one of the big annual sport event in our school. i was one of the runner who was participating this cross country. i feel like it was cool to join it because i can freely run on the road as a cool senior that was going to run enthusiastically while my steps were following the beat and the rythm of my hardcore songs in my mp4. the faster the rythm of the song the faster my steps that i accelerated. ayat ku memang mcm Dr Rozmey. nak gempak je. haha.
the cross country event started with the assembly of students. afterward, our ketua umum, Alif or well known as Mohep was conducted a warming up before the running started. before the running started i was asking my friend to draw a mouse and wrote the word " mouse inside" at the muscle of my hand. haha and this good thing was followed by my friends. bajet otot tangan korang besar la. sungguh bajet.haha
after that we were realesed and everyone started to run. i was running based on the plan and the strategy that i have made 2 days before. i found that the road was really in bad condition because there were many cow faeces spot along the road. so, it was extremely a difficult track because i have to run while avoid from stepping the cow faeces or on the other hand it was called THE DAMN SHIT OF COW! the smell from the faeces cow was really aromatic until i have to hold my breath for sometimes. however, that was not a barrier for me to be one of the earliest person to come to the Finish line. i was determined to get number at least less than 40 for the last year of my school. AS a result i managed to get no 35 out of 180 students. wohhooo. that was a great achievement bro! BRAVO! BRAVO!. haha.