Tuesday, March 20, 2012

keputusan SPM esok

                        For your information, the result of SPM 2011 will be releasing tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
my mind is always thinking of how my result is going to be?  is it going to be either bad or good? only Allah knows how is my feeling right now. sometimes I feel happy because its releasing date is earlier one day than expected date,22 march and I hope that this happiness doesn't end tomorrow. I want to smile and laugh happily with my result.

                        I can't bear and encounter life with failure. I had experienced the tough moment when I was getting my UPSR result. I was really upset and it was a hard time for me to stand on my feet from the failure.Start from that moment, I swear that I'll never let myself feel the same feeling when I got UPSR result.I was trying my best to struggle on my study for the sake of a good examination slip result. I am not sure that my efforts that I put for SPM was enough to make my parents proud of me. All I can do now is to pray to Allah to give the best for me tomorrow, and only He knows what's good for me. I hope that I can be strong and tough to encounter the important day in my life tomorrow.

                          please pray for my safety journey! I'll be driving to my ex-school SBPI Gopeng tomorrow~

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