Thursday, December 23, 2010

perkahwinan nana

now i realized that i have 10 days left  to stay at home before i leave home go to school. so, i wanna do everything that i planned to do. updating blog is listed in the thing that i wanna do. so, you have to frequently open my blog to read the new entry. haha.Diana which is my sister was getting married with her beloved husband Sahizal Akmal on 18 December. the wedding was splendid and festal. there were more than 1000 people came to wedding ceremony. most of the people who came were our relatives, friends and neighbors. my closed relatives came 1 day earlier before the wedding to help us for the preparation. after finished the preparation, i planned to hang at mamak's restaurant with my male cousins. i can say that there are also my best friends because we did many things together since we were young until now.The best moment with them when the four of us were bersunat.haha .the dishes and food was served by catering. the taste of the food was okay la but the service that their gave was quite disappointed. by the way, from this wedding i can get to know my relatives which i rarely meet. overall, the wedding was undergoing smoothly based on what was planned.

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