Thursday, December 9, 2010

camera baru

i've been dreaming to have a fabulous DSLR camera for quite a long time ago.i was a little bit envy to those people who have is a way too cool!DSLR camera means digital single lens camera, i'm sure you know it.
there are 3 levels of this camera. which are entry level, mid level and pro level.beginners are suggested to be exposed with the entry level and mid level.i'm still be happy if i get the chance to own the entry level. i'll be more happy if the mid level be mine. i'll be extremely fucking happy if i the pro level be mine. IT'S HEAVEN!!
eventually, now one of my big dreams and desires is fulfilled.
all i got was this EOS550D.

love photography.:)

anak sedara handsome kepada handsome:)

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