Friday, November 19, 2010

perkhemahan perdana

it was happened last two weeks which was the last school week as i ended up as form 4 student. i think that was my first time getting excited to go school. there were quite plenty of reasons why i was being abnormal like that. maybe because exam finished and i no need to spend my time on study anymore when school hour.what i did were chit chat with friends, enjoyed poker and uno cards, walked and hanging around at the whole classes in my school and many more illegal activities. The activities that i've listed were organized and thinked by myself for my class mates.haha unfortunately this school is not my bapak's school, simply do anything that i wanted to do.:( the lovely teachers organized an interesting and legally event for us which was PERKHEMAHAN PERDANA.the purpose of this camp was to avoid students especially me from doing a useless job.
all i can say here is THIS CAMP WAS AWESOME.

banner competition

nazreen and farid

im the leader of this team

everyone enjoyed doing their part.

the beautiful fateha.hee

gaya lukis ada, tp kain still kosong.

jihan sedang mewarna

hanya mampu melihat sbb aku kan ketua.haha

setelah hampir siap

nazreen si tinggi menilai hasil kerjanya yg tak seberapa

buat tulisan blok.

aku membuat dgn teliti.smpai lenggok badan tu.

kembar nama aku, sabrina.:D


bajet tough ape kau diri kat situ.

touch up session and colouring backgroud

same like above

same like above

this our secret weapon PELAKA.hehe

sabrina again

touch up session by me

sorry this picture should at the top.malas.

ahli yg penting jihan:D
jeng jeng jeng! inilah hasilnya.hahahaha
proud to be the leader

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