Saturday, May 8, 2010


this week is my turn to go back home.
and i decided to go back home by bus together with my friend.
it was my 2nd time went back home by bus.
but it was the first time of my friend khairil which is living in cheras went back home by bus.
so, i was the leader of the trip.haha
we stopped at bukit jalil n my sister,diana took me at there and khairil was going his home by taking ktm.
i reached at home at 8 o'clock and i felt a little bit tired.
after took a bath, i felt refreshed.
after that, my father wanted to bring us to a new resturant, red walk restaurant which is located at bandar baru
bangi. it was a buffet means i can take large a amount of crabs,prawns, meats, and so on and put them
in the tomyam steamboat. yummy.haha
after that, we went home n took a rest.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...
    bende ni pon ko tarok dlm ko nyer blog..
