Saturday, March 27, 2010

now, i'm outing at jusco ipoh.:D

this is my first outing.
n i feel damn excited.
at this morning after performed solat subuh.
i slept at surau until 8.o'clock exactly after doa.haha
then, i was playing basketball with friends untill 9.o'clock.
after that, i get ready for outing.
my friends and i were late and we missed the van that should send us to ipoh.
n we needed to wait another 1 and a half hour fr the next*t.
luckily got one kind-hearted uncle wanted to send us to gopeng station bus.thanks pak cik.haha
but the funny thing was we were just like in a sardine tin in that car.
9 of us were sitting in the seats of a car. can u imagine it?hahaha
but it was just fr a while only la,haha
that pakcik dropped us at gopeng, then we took bus to jusco ipoh.
i had our lunch at mcd.
n straight away go to cyber cafe in this place.
after this i want to play bowling. da smggu x main.hahaha
x jd tgk wyg sbb nk online punye psl.haha
okay gtg. bye:D

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