Monday, January 25, 2010
sad, happy, tired
yesterday morning at 10 0'clock around, i woke up when my phone was ringing not caused by the alarm that i set everyday but it was a call from my cousin, Angah.
he said he wanted to talk with my mother, he said he tried to call my mother but no answer,the intonation of his voice sounds like he wanted to tell an important thing to my mother. So, i give the phone to her.
after a while, there were drops of water from my mother's eyes were falling down to the floor.
i was curious to know" what actually is happening now?.
after they finished talking, i questioned my mother what has happened?
then, she told me that Achik which is my atok sedara was comma.
my mother quickly told my brother, and we were heading to Hospital Klang because Achik was there.
when we reached there i found there were so many people which are my relatives.
usually i find them when hari raya only.
my mother went to a doctor and asked her what had happened to him, the doctor explained to my mother that his head had ketumbuhan n darah beku in BM.
after that, the doctor suggested us to send him to Hospital KL for further treatment.
we reached there at 7p.m, and the doctor said that they need to do an operation on his head to remove the thing. the operation took 3 hours to finish. after finished, the doctor informed us that he was in stable condition.Alhamdulillah.
But the doctor said he still need to rest and people are not allowed to see him at this time.
after that i reached at home around 11p.m. and i feel very sleepy. i did finish my homework first, then only i sleep
Saturday, January 23, 2010
they are leaving
thanks fr being a good friend to me.

he is my friend since form 1 until now.
he was an awesome n the craziest friend that i ever had.
he changed school to teknik.

nurul najwa
she was my tuition class mate n my best friend too.
n we had a great moment with nafiz, hafiz,diya, yusra n shazzwan.:D
she changed school to sbpi gombak.

she's my friend since primary school n also my best friend.
tp mse primary school ta rapat sgt sbb ak ni dulu budak nakal. die budak baik kot,haha
ble da masuk 2ndary school baru la kitrg kwn rapat sbb i da jd budak baik jugak mcm die,;)
she changed school to teknik sepang:)
Monday, January 18, 2010
my form 4 essay(Is that true that young people have a better life today?)
Is that true that young people have a better life today?
My grandfather always story me how was his life when he was young. I find that there is a huge different between my life and his young life, my life is 10 times much better than him. So, I will say yes for this topic that young people have a better life today.
Nowadays, young people have a better life because of the sophisticated technology that helps us in every work that we do. For instance, when teacher gives us assignment, we can gain information and tips that are required for the assignment by just surfing the net without going to library. We also can be a knowledgeable person because now we have a lot of online newspapers which provide us the latest news from entire world. In contrast, the previous people are so hard to get to know the news because they do not have sufficient money to buy newspaper which is the main source to know the news.
In addition, young people have a better life today because we can enjoy live together in harmony and peace, there is no war, terrible rush and the most important thing that can be proud by Malaysians is
Government is always wants the best for the young people to live in good condition in this country. So, they provide us infrastructures kind of post offices, libraries, banks, highways, and many more which help us a lot in our daily life. Those days, there are less infrastructures and the elderly generation disables to do their works smoothly.
Besides that, the education itself is the main reason why young people have a better life today. For instance, the systematically system is practiced in education, the marking scheme in exam is easier than before and the teachers nowadays are more understanding and educated. Hence, we will be more excited and enjoy to study. This leads us to be a successful person in the community one day.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
add maths is a mind killer?
to the end of this tough, puzzled, and tricky subject!